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Dorothy Heyward; Dubose Heyward; George Gershwin; Ira Gershwin - Bess, You Is My Woman Now [Transcribed by Jascha Heifetz] Performed by Dorothy Heyward; Dubose Heyward; George Gershwin; Ira Gershwin sheet music

Bess, You Is My Woman Now [Transcribed by Jascha Heifetz] Performed by Dorothy Heyward; Dubose Heyward; George Gershwin; Ira Gershwin
Alternetive title:
From Porgy And Bess
Piano, violin

2 Sheet Music items available

Dorothy Heyward; Dubose Heyward; George Gershwin; Ira Gershwin - Bess, You Is My Woman Now [Transcribed by Jascha Heifetz] Performed by Dorothy Heyward; Dubose Heyward; George Gershwin; Ira Gershwin information


Dorothy Heyward; Dubose Heyward; George Gershwin; Ira Gershwin
Heyward; Dubose Heyward; George Gershwin; Ira Gershwin
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