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Vasily Kalinnikov
Vasily Kalinnikov Name: Vasily Kalinnikov
Born: 6 February 1852
Died: 27 February 1918
Safonov, the son of a Cossack general, was a Russian pianist, composer and conductor. Born in the Caucasus but settled in Saint Petersburg in the early 1880s, Vasily (whose name is also sometimes transliterated Wassily Safonow) attended Lyceum and took piano lessons while beginning a career in the ... More informationcivil service. He graduated from the Saint Petersburg Conservatory with a gold medal in 1880 having studied music theory and piano. Five years later, on Tchaikovsky’s recommendation, Safonov became a professor of piano at the Moscow Conservatory in 1885. On Tchaikovsky’s death, Safonov conducted the first official performance in Moscow of the decedent’s Symphony No. 6 in B Minor, also known as the Pathetique. He was one of the first conductors to dispense with a baton, and although never a particularly successful composer in his own right, Safonov was a master music educator and wrote a guide to piano techniques, A New Formula.Less information
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By Vasily Kalinnikov
By Vasily Kalinnikov for the instruments Harp, Cello, violin, bass, Triangle, Timpani, Tuba and category Romantic, Symphony, Free, Scores
By Vasily Kalinnikov for the instruments Piano and category Romantic, Free, Scores
By Vasily Kalinnikov for the instruments Piano and category Romantic, Free, Scores
By Vasily Kalinnikov and category Romantic, Free, Scores

Vasily Kalinnikov information
Vasily Kalinnikov
6 February 1852
27 February 1918
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