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Tower Of Power

By Tower Of Power for the instruments Trombone, Trumpet, Tenor Saxophone
By Tower Of Power for the instruments Trombone, Trumpet, Tenor Saxophone
By Tower Of Power
in the genre Rock, Soul, Funk
By Tower Of Power for the instruments Trombone, Trumpet, Tenor Saxophone
By Tower Of Power from their album 'Tower of Power' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, bass
in the genre Rock, R&B, pop and category Scores
By Tower Of Power from their album 'Bump City' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice
in the genre Rock, R&B, pop and category Scores
By Tower Of Power from their album 'Tower of Power' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice
in the genre Rock, R&B and category Scores
By Tower Of Power from their album 'Soul Vaccination: Live' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice
in the genre Rock, R&B and category Scores
By Tower Of Power from their album 'Bump City' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice
in the genre Rock, R&B, pop and category Guitar tabs, Scores
By Tower Of Power from their album 'Monster on a Leash' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice
in the genre Rock, R&B and category Scores
By Tower Of Power from their album 'Tower of Power' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, bass
in the genre Rock, R&B, pop and category Scores
By Tower Of Power from their album 'Urban Renewal' for the instruments Piano
in the genre R&B and category Scores
By Tower Of Power from their album 'Back to Oakland' for the instruments Piano
in the genre R&B and category Scores
By Tower Of Power from their album 'Ain't Nothin' Stoppin' Us Now' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, bass
in the genre Rock, R&B, pop and category Scores
By Tower Of Power from their album 'Monster on a Leash' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice
in the genre Rock, R&B and category Scores
By Tower Of Power from their album 'Back to Oakland' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice
in the genre Rock, R&B and category Scores
By Tower Of Power for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, bass
in the genre Rock, R&B, pop and category Scores
Tower Of Power information
Band member(s)
Stephen Kupka
Tower of Power Horn Section
Dave Garibaldi (Drums)
Emilio Castillo (Tenor saxophone,Horn)
Ellis Hall (Lead vocals,Keyboard)
Mic Gillette (Brass)
Greg Adams (Trumpet)
Richard Elliot (Saxophone)
Chester Thompson (Keyboard)
Lee Thornburg
Lenny Williams (Lead vocals)
November 1992
April 2003
May 1993
May 1993
Other information
Official website: