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Three Days Grace

By Three Days Grace from their album 'Life Starts Now'
in the genre Rock, Pop, Metal
By Three Days Grace from their album 'Life Starts Now'
in the genre Rock, Pop, Metal
By Three Days Grace from their album 'Life Starts Now'
in the genre Rock, Pop, Metal
By Three Days Grace from their album 'Life Starts Now'
in the genre Rock, Pop, Metal
By Three Days Grace from their album 'Life Starts Now'
in the genre Rock, Pop, Metal
By Three Days Grace from their album 'Life Starts Now'
in the genre Rock, Pop, Metal
By Three Days Grace from their album 'Life Starts Now'
in the genre Rock, Pop, Metal
By Three Days Grace from their album 'Life Starts Now'
in the genre Rock, Pop, Metal
By Three Days Grace from their album 'Life Starts Now'
in the genre Rock, Pop, Metal
By Three Days Grace from their album 'Life Starts Now'
in the genre Rock, Pop, Metal
By Three Days Grace from their album 'Life Starts Now'
in the genre Rock, Pop, Metal
By Three Days Grace from their album 'Chalk Outline' for the instruments Guitar
and category Guitar tab, New
By Three Days Grace from their album 'One-X' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
in the genre Rock, pop and category Guitar tabs, Scores, Canadian
By Three Days Grace from their album 'One-X' for the instruments Guitar, Voice, Vocal
in the genre Rock, pop and category Scores, Canadian
By Three Days Grace from their album 'Three Days Grace' for the instruments Guitar, bass
in the genre Rock, pop and category Guitar tabs, Scores, Canadian
By Three Days Grace from their album 'One-X' for the instruments Voice, Guitar
in the genre Rock, pop and category Scores, Canadian
By Three Days Grace from their album 'One-X' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
in the genre Rock, pop and category Scores, Canadian
By Three Days Grace from their album 'One-X' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
in the genre Rock, pop and category Scores, Canadian
By Three Days Grace from their album 'One-X' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
in the genre Rock, pop and category Scores, Canadian
By Three Days Grace from their album 'One-X' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
in the genre Rock, pop and category Scores, Canadian
By Three Days Grace from their album 'Three Days Grace' for the instruments Guitar
in the genre Rock and category Guitar tabs, Scores, Canadian
By Three Days Grace from their album 'One-X' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
in the genre Rock, pop and category Scores, Canadian
By Three Days Grace from their album 'Three Days Grace' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal
in the genre Rock, pop and category Guitar tabs, Scores, Canadian
By Three Days Grace from their album 'Three Days Grace' for the instruments Guitar
in the genre Rock and category Guitar tabs, Scores, Canadian
By Three Days Grace from their album 'One-X' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
in the genre Rock, pop and category Scores, Canadian
Three Days Grace information
Band member(s)
Brad Walst
Barry Stock
Adam Gontier
Neil Sanderson
Also known as
3 Days Grace
3 Days Grave
July 2003
June 2006
October 2012
April 2004
October 2004
November 2007
October 2008
August 2012
January 2013
May 2013
Other information
Official website: