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The John Butler Trio
The John Butler Trio Name: The John Butler Trio
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The John Butler Trio sheet music

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By The John Butler Trio from their album 'Funky Tonight' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Vocal in the genre Rock, Pop, Australian
By The John Butler Trio from their album 'Grand National' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Vocal in the genre Rock, Pop, Australian
By The John Butler Trio from their album 'Three' in the genre Rock
By The John Butler Trio from their album 'Sunrise Over Sea' in the genre Rock
By The John Butler Trio from their album 'Splendour in the Grass 2003' in the genre Rock
By The John Butler Trio from their album 'JBT' in the genre Rock
By The John Butler Trio from their album 'New Music Live From The Panel' in the genre Rock
By The John Butler Trio from their album 'Sunrise Over Sea' in the genre Rock
By The John Butler Trio from their album 'Sunrise Over Sea' in the genre Rock
By The John Butler Trio from their album 'Zebra' in the genre Rock

The John Butler Trio information

Band member(s)

Gavin Shoesmith (Double bass / contrabass / acoustic upright bass,Electric bass guitar)
(1998 - 2001)
John Butler (Lead vocals,Guitars)
Jason McGann (Drums)
(1998 - 2003)
Rory Quirk (Double bass / contrabass / acoustic upright bass,Electric bass guitar)
(2001 - 2002)
Andrew Fry (Double bass / contrabass / acoustic upright bass,Electric bass guitar)
(2002 - 2003)
Shannon Birchall (Double bass / contrabass / acoustic upright bass,Electric bass guitar)
(2003 - 2009)
Michael Barker (Drums)
(2003 - 2009)
Byron Luiters (Double bass / contrabass / acoustic upright bass,Electric bass guitar)
Nicky Bomba (Drums)
(2009 - 2013)
Grant Gerathy (Drums)

Also known as

John Butler Trio
Since 2009


April 2001
March 2004
March 2007
March 2010
February 2014


December 2003
December 2004
December 2006
August 2007
December 2009

Other information

Official website:
The John Butler Trio
John Butler Trio
Active for:
27 Years
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