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The Canadian Brass

By The Canadian Brass for the instruments Trumpet
and category Scores
By The Canadian Brass for the instruments Trumpet
and category Christmas, Scores
By The Canadian Brass for the instruments Trumpet
and category Scores
By The Canadian Brass for the instruments Trumpet
and category Scores
By The Canadian Brass for the instruments Horn, Trombone, Tuba
and category Christmas, Scores
By The Canadian Brass for the instruments Horn
and category Scores
By The Canadian Brass for the instruments Horn
and category Scores
By The Canadian Brass for the instruments Trombone
and category Scores
By The Canadian Brass for the instruments Trombone
and category Scores
By The Canadian Brass for the instruments Trombone
and category Scores
By The Canadian Brass for the instruments Trombone
and category Scores
By The Canadian Brass for the instruments Trombone
and category Scores
By The Canadian Brass for the instruments Trombone
and category Scores
By The Canadian Brass for the instruments Trombone
and category Scores
By The Canadian Brass for the instruments Trombone
and category Scores
By The Canadian Brass for the instruments Horn
and category Scores
By The Canadian Brass for the instruments Horn
and category Scores
By The Canadian Brass for the instruments Horn, Trombone, Tuba
and category Christmas, Scores
By The Canadian Brass for the instruments Trombone
and category Scores
By The Canadian Brass for the instruments Trumpet
and category Scores
The Canadian Brass information
Band member(s)
Charles Daellenbach
Eugene Watts
Graeme Page
Ronald Romm
Frederic Mills
Also known as
The Canadian Brass
March 1990
October 1991
July 1994
August 1995
March 2002
January 2007
December 2009
Other information
Official website: