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Steps Name: Steps
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Steps sheet music

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By Steps from their album 'Massive Dance: 98' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Vocal, Keyboard in the genre Pop
By Steps from their album 'Steptacular' for the instruments Keyboard in the genre Pop
By Steps from their album 'Steptacular' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Vocal, Keyboard in the genre Pop
By Steps from their album 'Steptacular' for the instruments Keyboard in the genre Pop
By Steps from their album 'Steptacular' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Vocal, Keyboard in the genre Pop
By Steps from their album 'Massive Dance: 99' for the instruments Choir in the genre pop and category Scores
By Steps from their album 'Love's Got a Hold on My Heart' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal in the genre pop and category Scores
By Steps from their album 'Chain Reaction' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal in the genre pop and category Scores
By Steps from their album 'Gold: Greatest Hits' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal in the genre pop and category Scores
By Steps from their album 'Buzz' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal in the genre pop and category Scores
By Steps for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal in the genre pop and category Scores
By Steps from their album 'Steptacular' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal in the genre pop and category Scores
By Steps for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal in the genre pop and category Scores
By Steps from their album 'Steptacular' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal in the genre pop and category Scores
By Steps from their album 'Buzz' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal in the genre pop and category Scores
By Steps from their album 'Gold: Greatest Hits' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal in the genre pop and category Scores
By Steps from their album 'Say You'll Be Mine / Better the Devil You Know' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal in the genre pop and category Scores
By Steps from their album 'Steptacular' in the genre pop
By Steps from their album 'Maximum Dance, Volume 4/98' for the instruments Piano, Voice in the genre pop
By Steps from their album 'Step One' for the instruments Piano, Voice
By Steps from their album 'Step One' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal in the genre pop
By Steps in the genre pop
By Steps from their album 'Steptacular' in the genre pop
By Steps from their album 'Steptacular' in the genre pop
By Steps from their album 'Buzz' in the genre pop

Steps information

Band member(s)

Faye Tozer
Claire Richards
Lee Latchford-Evans
Ian 'H' Watkins
Lisa Scott-Lee

Also known as



September 1998
October 1999
October 2000


February 2000
September 2001
October 2012

Other information

 United Kingdom
7 May 1997
26 December 2001
Active for:
4 Years
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