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Roxette Name: Roxette
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Roxette sheet music

(10 results)
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By Roxette for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Vocal and category New
By Roxette from their album 'Absolute Music 4' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal in the genre Rock, pop and category Soundtracks, Scores, Swedish, 80s, 90s
By Roxette from their album 'Look Sharp!' for the instruments Voice in the genre Rock, pop and category Scores, Swedish, 80s, 90s
By Roxette from their album 'Look Sharp!' for the instruments Voice in the genre Rock, pop and category Scores, Swedish, 80s, 90s
By Roxette from their album 'Joyride' for the instruments Voice in the genre Rock, pop and category Scores, Swedish, 80s, 90s
By Roxette from their album 'Look Sharp!' for the instruments Voice in the genre Rock, pop and category Scores, Swedish, 80s, 90s
By Roxette from their album 'Absolute Music 5' for the instruments Voice in the genre Rock, pop and category Scores, Swedish, 80s, 90s
By Roxette from their album 'TM Century: GoldDisc 193' for the instruments Voice in the genre Rock, pop and category Scores, Swedish, 80s, 90s
By Roxette from their album 'Joyride' for the instruments Voice in the genre Rock, pop and category Scores, Swedish, 80s, 90s
By Roxette from their album 'International Highlights' for the instruments Voice in the genre Rock, pop and category Scores, Swedish, 80s, 90s

Roxette information

Band member(s)

Pelle Alsing (Percussion,Drums)
Mats Arne Persson (Acoustic guitar,Electric guitar,Mandolin)
Staffan Öfwerman (Background vocals)
Mia Lindgren (Background vocals)
Staffan Öfwerman (Percussion,Keyboard,Tambourine,Cymbals)
Anders Herrlin (Bass guitar,Bass)
Mats "Myrdal" Persson (Percussion,Drums)
Mats "Myrdal" Persson (Background vocals)
Clarence Öfwerman (Hammond organ,Piano,Grand piano,Keyboard)
Micke "Nord" Andersson (Bass guitar,Lap steel guitar,Acoustic guitar,Electric guitar,Mandolin)
Christoffer Lundquist (Zither,Guitar,Bass)
Christoffer Lundquist (Background vocals)
Jonas Isacsson (Harmonica,Acoustic guitar,Electric guitar,Slide guitar,Mandolin)
Vicki Benckert (Tambourine,Accordion,Electric guitar,Mandolin)
Vicki Benckert (Background vocals)
Micke "Syd" Andersson (Drums)
Micke "Nord" Andersson (Background vocals)
Per Gessle
Marie Fredriksson


January 1997
October 1997
March 1999
April 2001
November 2011
March 2012
April 1989
August 1992


July 1999
November 1994
February 1995
November 1995
May 1999
August 1994
October 2002
February 2003
October 2006
February 2007
December 1986
July 1987
November 1988
February 1991
July 1992
October 1992
May 1993
March 1994

Other information

Official website:
Active for:
39 Years
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