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Randy Travis

Surname: Travis
By Randy Travis for the instruments Piano, Voice
in the genre Country, Pop
By Randy Travis from his album 'Always & Forever' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal
in the genre Country, pop and category Scores, Valentine's Day
By Randy Travis from his album 'Rise and Shine' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal
in the genre Country and category Scores
By Randy Travis from his album 'Old 8x10' for the instruments Piano, Voice, Vocal
in the genre Country, pop and category Scores
By Randy Travis from his album 'Storms of Life' for the instruments Piano, Oboe, violin, Voice, Vocal, Recorder, Piccolo
in the genre Country, pop and category Scores
By Randy Travis from his album 'Storms of Life' for the instruments Piano, Voice, Vocal
in the genre Country, pop and category Scores
By Randy Travis from his album 'Always & Forever' for the instruments Voice
in the genre Country and category Scores
By Randy Travis from his album 'Worship & Faith' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice
in the genre Country and category Scores
By Randy Travis from his album 'No Holdin' Back' for the instruments Piano, Oboe, violin, Voice, Recorder, Piccolo
in the genre Country and category Scores
By Randy Travis from his album 'Three Wooden Crosses: The Inspirational Hits of Randy Travis' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice
in the genre Country and category Scores
By Randy Travis from his album 'Worship & Faith' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice
in the genre Country and category Scores
By Randy Travis from his album 'Worship & Faith' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice
in the genre Country and category Scores
By Randy Travis from his album 'This Is Me' for the instruments Voice
in the genre Country and category Scores
By Randy Travis from his album '36 All-Time Greatest Hits' for the instruments Voice
in the genre Country and category Scores
By Randy Travis from his album 'High Lonesome' for the instruments Voice
in the genre Country and category Scores
By Randy Travis from his album '36 All-Time Greatest Hits' for the instruments Piano, Voice, Vocal
in the genre Country and category Scores
By Randy Travis from his album 'Greatest Hits Volume Two' for the instruments Voice
in the genre Country and category Scores
By Randy Travis from his album 'This Is Me' for the instruments Voice
in the genre Country and category Scores
By Randy Travis from his album 'You and You Alone' for the instruments Voice
in the genre Country and category Scores
By Randy Travis from his album 'This Is Me' for the instruments Voice
in the genre Country and category Scores
By Randy Travis from his album 'Heroes & Friends' for the instruments Vocal
in the genre Country and category Scores
By Randy Travis from his album 'You and You Alone' for the instruments Piano, Vocal
in the genre Country and category Scores
Randy Travis information
August 1993
October 2013
June 2011
July 2008
September 2007
October 2006
November 2003
December 2002
April 1998
August 1996
April 1994
August 1991
September 1990
September 1989
July 1988
Other information
Official website: