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Primal Scream
Primal Scream Name: Primal Scream
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Primal Scream sheet music

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By Primal Scream from their album 'Riot City Blues' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
By Primal Scream from their album 'Country Girl' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice in the genre Rock
By Primal Scream from their album 'Riot City Blues'
By Primal Scream from their album 'Riot City Blues'
By Primal Scream from their album 'Riot City Blues'
By Primal Scream from their album 'Riot City Blues'
By Primal Scream from their album 'Riot City Blues'
By Primal Scream from their album 'Riot City Blues'
By Primal Scream from their album 'Riot City Blues'
By Primal Scream from their album 'Riot City Blues'
By Primal Scream from their album 'Rocks' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice in the genre Rock, pop
By Primal Scream from their album 'Screamadelica' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice in the genre Rock, pop
By Primal Scream from their album 'Give Out But Don't Give Up' in the genre Rock

Primal Scream information

Band member(s)

Henry Olsen
Toby Tomanov
Paul Mulreany
Darrin Mooney
Duncan McKay
Jim Hunt
Andrew Innes
Paul Harte
Martin Duffy
Bobby Gillespie
Robert Young
Jim Beattie
Gavin Skinner
(1987 - 1988)
Denise Johnson
(1990 - 1996)
Kevin Shields

Also known as

Primal Sceam
Scream Team


July 1997
January 2000
November 2002
June 2006
July 2008
May 2013
September 1989
October 1991


May 1997
June 1997
November 1999
March 2000
November 2003
May 2006
August 2006
July 2008
May 1985
May 1986
June 1987
September 1987
September 1987
August 1990
February 1994

Other information

Official website:
Primal Scream
 United Kingdom
Active for:
43 Years
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