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Maurice Ravel
Maurice Ravel Name: Maurice
Surname: Ravel
Born: 1875
Died: 1937
Maurice Ravel, who was born in a Basque fishing village close to the Spanish border, came to Paris as a baby, and was taking piano lessons when he was six. In the early years of the new century he helped create the Société Musicale Independante (SMI), which then (in 1910) premiered his piano solo ... More information“Ma mère l'oye,” (Mother Goose), based on the folktales collected by Charles Perrault. This was later scored for a full orchestra and still later choreographed as a ballet. During the first world war Ravel was driving a truck as his day job, while composing “Le Tombeau de Couperin,” a suite for solo piano in six movements. Ravel died after experimental brain surgery in late 1937 and was buried at Levallois-Perret, near Paris, on December 30 that year. His best known legacy is his Boléro, a fifteen-minute orchestral work that consists of an initial theme and counter-theme repeated in a constant crescendo building to a thunderous conclusionLess information
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By Maurice Ravel for the instruments Flute and category Scores
By Maurice Ravel for the instruments Piano and category Scores
By Maurice Ravel for the instruments Piano and category Scores
By Maurice Ravel for the instruments Piano and category Scores
By Maurice Ravel for the instruments Organ and category Scores
By Maurice Ravel for the instruments Orchestra in the genre Classical
By Maurice Ravel in the genre Classical
By Maurice Ravel in the genre Classical
By Maurice Ravel in the genre Classical
By Maurice Ravel in the genre Classical
By Maurice Ravel in the genre Classical
By Maurice Ravel in the genre Classical
By Maurice Ravel in the genre Classical
By Maurice Ravel in the genre Classical
By Maurice Ravel for the instruments Orchestra in the genre Classical
By Maurice Ravel for the instruments Piano in the genre Classical
By Maurice Ravel for the instruments Orchestra in the genre Classical
By Maurice Ravel for the instruments Orchestra in the genre Classical
By Maurice Ravel for the instruments Piano, Hands in the genre Classical and category Duet
By Maurice Ravel for the instruments Orchestra in the genre Classical

Maurice Ravel information
Maurice Ravel
7 March 1875
28 December 1937
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