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Jefferson Airplane
Jefferson Airplane Name: Jefferson Airplane
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Jefferson Airplane sheet music

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By Jefferson Airplane for the instruments Guitar in the genre Rock
By Jefferson Airplane for the instruments Guitar in the genre Rock
By Jefferson Airplane for the instruments Guitar in the genre Rock
By Jefferson Airplane for the instruments Guitar in the genre Rock
By Jefferson Airplane for the instruments Guitar in the genre Rock
By Jefferson Airplane for the instruments Guitar in the genre Rock
By Jefferson Airplane for the instruments Guitar in the genre Rock
By Jefferson Airplane for the instruments Guitar in the genre Rock
By Jefferson Airplane for the instruments Guitar in the genre Rock
By Jefferson Airplane for the instruments Guitar in the genre Rock
By Jefferson Airplane from their album 'Surrealistic Pillow' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Vocal in the genre Rock, pop and category Scores, 60s
By Jefferson Airplane from their album 'Surrealistic Pillow' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal in the genre Rock, pop and category Guitar tabs, Scores, 60s
By Jefferson Airplane from their album 'Jefferson Airplane Takes Off' for the instruments Piano, Vocal in the genre Rock, pop and category Soundtracks, Scores, 60s

Jefferson Airplane information

Band member(s)

Jorma Kaukonen
(1965 - 1973)
Paul Kantner
(1965 - 1972)
Marty Balin
(1965 - 1971)
Signe Toly Anderson
(1965 - 1966)
Bob Harvey
(1965 - 1965)
Jerry Peloquin
(1965 - 1965)
Jack Casady
(1965 - 1972)
Alexander “Skip” Spence
(1965 - 1966)
Spencer Dryden
(1966 - 1970)
Grace Slick
(1966 - 1972)
Joey Covington
(1970 - 1972)
Papa John Creach
(1970 - 1972)
John Barbata
(1972 - 1972)
David Freiberg
(1972 - 1972)
Grace Slick
(1989 - 1989)
Marty Balin
(1989 - 1989)
Papa John Creach
(1989 - 1989)
Jorma Kaukonen
(1989 - 1989)
Paul Kantner
(1989 - 1989)
Jack Casady
(1989 - 1989)

Also known as

Jefferson Airplaine
The Jefferson Airplane
Jefferson Aeroplane
Jefferson Airplane/Starship


November 1969
September 1971
June 1972


Other information

Jefferson Airplane
 United States
Active for:
7 Years
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