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Howard Shore

Surname: Shore
By Howard Shore
in the genre Folk
By Howard Shore for the instruments Piano, Voice, Keyboard
and category TV
By Howard Shore for the instruments Piano, Voice, Keyboard
and category TV
By Howard Shore for the instruments Flute
in the genre Rock
By Howard Shore for the instruments percussion
in the genre Rock
By Howard Shore for the instruments Trombone
in the genre Rock
By Howard Shore for the instruments Trombone
in the genre Rock
By Howard Shore for the instruments Piano, Vocal
By Howard Shore for the instruments Tenor Saxophone
in the genre Rock
By Howard Shore for the instruments Timpani, percussion
in the genre Rock
By Howard Shore for the instruments Bassoon
in the genre Rock
By Howard Shore from his album 'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey'
Howard Shore information
Also known as
H. Shore
Howard Shaw
Other information
Official website: