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Name: Heart
By Heart from their album 'Heart' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal
in the genre Rock, pop and category Scores, 80s
By Heart from their album 'Bad Animals' for the instruments Piano, Organ, Guitar, Oboe, violin, Voice, Vocal, Recorder
in the genre Rock, pop and category Guitar tabs, Scores, Valentine's Day, 80s
By Heart from their album 'Dog & Butterfly' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
in the genre Rock and category Scores, 80s
By Heart from their album 'Magazine' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
in the genre Rock and category Scores, 80s
By Heart from their album 'Little Queen' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal
in the genre Rock, pop and category Guitar tabs, Scores, 80s
By Heart from their album 'Dreamboat Annie' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal
in the genre Rock, pop and category Guitar tabs, Soundtracks, Scores, 80s
By Heart from their album 'Greatest Hits' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
in the genre Rock and category Scores, 80s
By Heart from their album 'Heart' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal
in the genre Rock, pop and category Guitar tabs, Scores, 80s
By Heart from their album 'Bebe Le Strange' for the instruments Voice, Vocal
in the genre Rock, pop and category Scores, 80s
By Heart from their album 'Dreamboat Annie' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal
in the genre Rock, pop and category Scores, 80s
By Heart from their album 'Brigade' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
in the genre Rock and category Scores, 80s
By Heart from their album 'Bad Animals' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal
in the genre Rock, pop and category Scores, 80s
By Heart from their album 'Little Queen' for the instruments Voice
in the genre Rock and category Scores, 80s
By Heart from their album 'Dreamboat Annie' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal
in the genre Rock, pop and category Scores, 80s
By Heart from their album 'Little Queen' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
in the genre Rock and category Scores, 80s
By Heart from their album 'Dog & Butterfly' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice
in the genre Rock, pop and category Guitar tabs, Scores, 80s
By Heart from their album 'Private Audition' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
in the genre Rock and category Scores, 80s
By Heart from their album 'Passionworks' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
in the genre Rock and category Scores, 80s
By Heart from their album 'Little Queen' for the instruments Voice
in the genre Rock and category Scores, 80s
By Heart from their album 'Bebe Le Strange' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
in the genre Rock and category Scores, 80s
By Heart from their album 'Will You Be There (In The Morning), disc 1' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal
in the genre Rock, pop and category Scores, 80s
By Heart for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal
in the genre Rock, pop and category Scores, 80s
By Heart for the instruments Guitar, Voice
in the genre Rock and category Scores, 80s
By Heart for the instruments Voice
in the genre Rock, pop and category Scores, 80s
By Heart from their album 'Bebe Le Strange' for the instruments Piano, Vocal
in the genre Rock and category Scores, 80s
Heart information
Band member(s)
Mark Andes
Nancy Wilson
Ann Wilson
Steve Fossen
Michael Derosier
Roger Fisher
(1973 - 1979)
Howard Leese
(1975 - 1997)
May 2013
October 2012
August 2010
October 2008
June 2004
November 1993
June 1987
July 1985
August 1983
June 1982
February 1980
October 1978
February 1976
April 2006
March 2006
December 2005
November 2005
November 2005
October 2005
February 1988
Other information
Official website: