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Grand Funk Railroad
Grand Funk Railroad Name: Grand Funk Railroad
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Grand Funk Railroad sheet music

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By Grand Funk Railroad from their album 'Caught in the Act' for the instruments Piano, Vocal and category New
By Grand Funk Railroad for the instruments Piano, Vocal and category New
By Grand Funk Railroad for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal and category New
By Grand Funk Railroad for the instruments Piano, Vocal and category New
By Grand Funk Railroad for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Vocal, Keyboard
By Grand Funk Railroad for the instruments Piano, Voice in the genre Rock, Dance and category Scores, 70s
By Grand Funk Railroad for the instruments Guitar, violin, Voice in the genre Rock, Dance and category Romantic, Free, Scores, 70s
By Grand Funk Railroad from their album 'All the Girls in the World Beware!!!' in the genre Rock, Dance and category Scores, 70s

Grand Funk Railroad information

Band member(s)

Mel Schacher (Bass guitar)
(1968 - 1977)
Don Brewer (Lead vocals,Drums)
(1968 - 1977)
Mark Farner (Lead vocals,Guitars,Keyboard,Harmonica)
(1968 - 1977)
Craig Frost (Background vocals,Keyboard)
(1972 - 1977)
Mel Schacher (Bass guitar)
(1980 - 1981)
Mark Farner (Lead vocals,Guitars,Keyboard,Harmonica)
(1980 - 1983)
Don Brewer (Lead vocals,Drums)
(1980 - 1983)
Dennis Bellinger (Bass guitar)
(1980 - 1983)
Mel Schacher (Bass guitar)
Howard Eddy, Jr. (Keyboard)
(1996 - 1999)
Don Brewer (Lead vocals,Drums)
Mark Farner (Lead vocals,Guitars,Keyboard,Harmonica)
(1996 - 1999)
Tim Cashion (Keyboard)
Bruce Kulick (Guitars)
Max Carl (Lead vocals)
Craig Frost (Background vocals,Keyboard)

Also known as

Grand Funk


December 1969
September 1972
November 2001
November 2002
February 2003



Other information

Official website:
Grand Funk Railroad
 United States
Funk Railroad
Active for:
56 Years
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