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Ginger Rogers

Surname: Rogers
By Ginger Rogers for the instruments Piano, Vocal
in the genre Jazz and category Scores
By Ginger Rogers for the instruments Piano, Vocal
in the genre Jazz and category Soundtracks, Scores
By Ginger Rogers from her album 'George and Ira Gershwin in Hollywood: Motion Picture Soundtrack Anthology' for the instruments Piano, Vocal
in the genre Jazz and category Soundtracks, Scores
By Ginger Rogers for the instruments Piano, Vocal
and category Soundtracks, Scores
By Ginger Rogers from her album 'Ladies First' for the instruments Piano, Vocal
and category Soundtracks, Scores
By Ginger Rogers for the instruments Piano, Vocal
and category Scores
By Ginger Rogers for the instruments Piano, Vocal
and category Soundtracks, Scores
By Ginger Rogers
in the genre Jazz and category Soundtracks, Scores