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George Strait
George Strait Name: George
Surname: Strait
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George Strait sheet music

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By George Strait from his album 'Ocean Front Property' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, bass in the genre Country and category Guitar tabs, Scores
By George Strait from his album 'Easy Come Easy Go' for the instruments Guitar, Voice in the genre Country and category Guitar tabs, Scores, Valentine's Day
By George Strait from his album 'Carrying Your Love With Me' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice in the genre Country and category Guitar tabs, Scores
By George Strait from his album 'Lead On' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice in the genre Country and category Guitar tabs, Scores
By George Strait from his album 'Troubadour' for the instruments Piano, Organ, Guitar, Voice, Vocal in the genre Country, pop and category Scores
By George Strait from his album 'Blue Clear Sky' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice in the genre Country and category Guitar tabs, Scores
By George Strait from his album 'Chill of an Early Fall' for the instruments Guitar, Voice in the genre Country and category Scores
By George Strait from his album 'Lead On' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice in the genre Country and category Scores
By George Strait from his album 'Right or Wrong' for the instruments Guitar, Voice in the genre Country and category Guitar tabs, Scores
By George Strait from his album 'Beyond the Blue Neon' for the instruments Guitar, Voice in the genre Country and category Scores
By George Strait from his album 'Easy Come Easy Go' for the instruments Guitar, Voice in the genre Country and category Guitar tabs, Scores
By George Strait from his album 'Chill of an Early Fall' for the instruments Guitar, Voice in the genre Country and category Scores
By George Strait from his album 'Strait From the Heart' for the instruments Guitar, Voice in the genre Country and category Scores
By George Strait from his album 'Beyond the Blue Neon' for the instruments Guitar, Voice in the genre Country and category Scores
By George Strait from his album 'Does Fort Worth Ever Cross Your Mind' for the instruments Guitar, Voice in the genre Country and category Guitar tabs, Scores
By George Strait from his album 'Always Never the Same' for the instruments Guitar, Voice in the genre Country and category Guitar tabs, Scores
By George Strait from his album 'Holding My Own' for the instruments Guitar, Voice in the genre Country and category Scores
By George Strait from his album 'Easy Come Easy Go' for the instruments Guitar, Voice in the genre Country and category Scores
By George Strait from his album 'For the Last Time: Live From the Astrodome' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice in the genre Country and category Scores
By George Strait from his album 'Carrying Your Love With Me' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice in the genre Country and category Scores
By George Strait from his album 'Lead On' for the instruments Guitar, Voice in the genre Country and category Scores
By George Strait from his album 'If You Ain’t Lovin’ You Ain’t Livin’' for the instruments Voice in the genre Country, pop and category Scores
By George Strait from his album 'Right or Wrong' for the instruments Guitar, Voice in the genre Country and category Scores
By George Strait from his album 'Platinum Country' for the instruments Guitar, Voice in the genre Country and category Guitar tabs, Scores
By George Strait from his album 'Beyond the Blue Neon' for the instruments Guitar, Voice in the genre Country and category Scores

 United States
18 May 1952
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