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Franz Schubert
Franz Schubert Name: Franz
Surname: Schubert
Born: 31 January 1797
Died: 19 November 1828
Franz Schubert was born in Vienna where he was also musically educated at the Hofkapelle. At the age of 17 he wrote his first successful composition Gretchen am Spinnrade. Although Franz Schubert died at an early age he wrote more than 600 songs, 9 symphonies, operas and a large body of chamber and ... More informationsolo piano music.Less information
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Franz Schubert sheet music

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By Franz Schubert for the instruments Piano, Voice in the genre Classical and category Romantic, Scores
By Franz Schubert for the instruments Piano, Voice, voice piano, Horn, Low Voice in the genre Classical and category Choir, Romantic, Lieder, Free, Scores
By Franz Schubert for the instruments Piano, Voice, voice piano in the genre Classical and category Choir, Romantic, Lieder, Free, Scores
By Franz Schubert for the instruments Piano, Voice, Vocal, percussion, Low Voice in the genre Classical and category Romantic, Opera, Scores, Romantic Period
By Franz Schubert for the instruments Piano, Voice in the genre Classical and category Romantic, Scores
By Franz Schubert for the instruments Piano, Voice, Clarinet in the genre Classical and category Romantic, Scores
By Franz Schubert for the instruments Piano, Flute, violin, Voice, Clarinet, Keyboard in the genre Jazz, Classical, Pop, Children and category Romantic, Baroque, Scores, TV, Romantic Period
By Franz Schubert for the instruments Piano in the genre Classical and category Romantic, Scores
By Franz Schubert for the instruments Piano, Voice in the genre Classical and category Romantic, Scores
By Franz Schubert and category New
By Franz Schubert for the instruments Piano, Cello, Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, bass, Orchestra and category English, New
By Franz Schubert and category New
By Franz Schubert for the instruments Piano, Voice, Double Bass, Choir, Low Voice in the genre Classical and category Romantic, Scores, Romantic Period
By Franz Schubert for the instruments Piano, Voice, Low Voice in the genre Classical and category Romantic, Scores
By Franz Schubert for the instruments Piano, Voice, voice piano, percussion, Low Voice in the genre Classical and category Choir, Romantic, Lieder, Free, Scores
By Franz Schubert for the instruments Piano, Voice, voice piano in the genre Classical and category Choir, Romantic, Lieder, Free, Scores
By Franz Schubert for the instruments Piano, Voice, Choir, Horn, Low Voice in the genre Classical and category Romantic, Opera, Scores, Romantic Period
By Franz Schubert for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Cello, violin, Voice, voice piano, Horn in the genre Classical and category Choir, Romantic
By Franz Schubert for the instruments Piano, Voice, percussion, Low Voice in the genre Classical and category Romantic, Scores, Romantic Period
By Franz Schubert for the instruments Piano, Cello, Flute, Oboe, violin, Bassoon, Orchestra in the genre Classical and category Romantic, Scores
By Franz Schubert for the instruments Piano, Voice, voice piano, Low Voice in the genre Classical and category Choir, Romantic, Lieder, Free, Scores
By Franz Schubert for the instruments Piano, Voice in the genre Classical and category Romantic, Scores
By Franz Schubert for the instruments Piano, Voice, Low Voice in the genre Classical and category Romantic, Scores
By Franz Schubert for the instruments Piano in the genre Classical and category Romantic, Scores, Romantic Period
By Franz Schubert for the instruments Choir in the genre Classical and category Romantic, Scores

Franz Schubert information
Franz Schubert
31 January 1797
19 November 1828
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