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Elliott Smith

Surname: Smith
By Elliott Smith from his album 'From a Basement on the Hill'
in the genre Rock
By Elliott Smith from his album 'Figure 8' for the instruments Guitar
By Elliott Smith from his album 'Speed Trials' for the instruments Guitar
and category Guitar tabs, Scores
By Elliott Smith from his album 'either/or' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
in the genre Rock, pop and category Guitar tabs, Scores
By Elliott Smith from his album 'either/or' for the instruments Guitar
in the genre pop and category Guitar tabs, Scores
By Elliott Smith from his album 'Good Will Hunting' for the instruments Guitar
in the genre Rock, pop and category Guitar tabs, Scores
By Elliott Smith from his album 'Elliott Smith' for the instruments Guitar
and category Guitar tabs, Scores
By Elliott Smith from his album 'Figure 8' for the instruments Guitar
and category Guitar tabs, Scores
By Elliott Smith from his album 'Figure 8' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal
in the genre Rock and category Guitar tabs, Scores
By Elliott Smith from his album 'Elliott Smith' for the instruments Guitar
and category Guitar tabs, Scores
By Elliott Smith from his album 'From a Basement on the Hill' for the instruments Guitar
and category Guitar tabs, Scores
By Elliott Smith from his album 'either/or' for the instruments Guitar
and category Guitar tabs, Scores
By Elliott Smith from his album 'either/or' for the instruments Guitar
and category Guitar tabs, Scores
By Elliott Smith from his album 'Figure 8' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal
and category Guitar tabs, Scores
By Elliott Smith from his album 'Pretty (Ugly Before)' for the instruments Guitar
in the genre Rock and category Guitar tabs, Scores
By Elliott Smith for the instruments Guitar
and category Guitar tabs, Scores
By Elliott Smith from his album 'XO' for the instruments Guitar
and category Guitar tabs, Scores
By Elliott Smith from his album 'XO' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal
in the genre Rock, pop and category Guitar tabs, Scores
By Elliott Smith from his album 'Pretty (Ugly Before)' for the instruments Guitar
and category Guitar tabs, Scores
Elliott Smith information
Also known as
Elliott Smith
Elliot Smith
Elliott Smoth
Steven Paul Smith
July 1994
July 1995
February 1997
August 1998
April 2000
October 2004
October 1996
June 1998
November 1998
April 1999
January 2000
June 2000
August 2003
Other information
Official website: