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Coleman Hawkins
Coleman Hawkins Name: Coleman
Surname: Hawkins
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Coleman Hawkins sheet music

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By Coleman Hawkins from his album 'Ken Burns Jazz: Definitive Coleman Hawkins' for the instruments Piano, bass, Vocal, Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone in the genre Jazz and category Scores
By Coleman Hawkins from his album 'RCA Victor Jazz/The First Half-Century: The 40's'
By Coleman Hawkins in the genre Jazz and category Scores
By Coleman Hawkins in the genre Jazz and category Scores
By Coleman Hawkins for the instruments Piano, Vocal in the genre Jazz and category Scores
By Coleman Hawkins in the genre Jazz and category Scores
By Coleman Hawkins in the genre Jazz and category Scores
By Coleman Hawkins in the genre Jazz and category Scores
By Coleman Hawkins in the genre Jazz and category Scores
By Coleman Hawkins and category Scores
By Coleman Hawkins from his album 'The Chronological Classics: Coleman Hawkins 1934-1937' for the instruments Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone and category Scores
By Coleman Hawkins from his album 'High and Mighty Hawk' for the instruments Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone and category Scores
By Coleman Hawkins from his album 'Capitol Jazz: 50th Anniversary Collection' for the instruments Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone and category Scores
By Coleman Hawkins from his album 'Bean & The Boys' for the instruments Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone and category Scores
By Coleman Hawkins from his album 'Jazz-Club: Tenor Sax' for the instruments Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone and category Scores
By Coleman Hawkins from his album 'Ken Burns Jazz: Definitive Coleman Hawkins' for the instruments Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone and category Scores
By Coleman Hawkins for the instruments Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone and category Scores
By Coleman Hawkins for the instruments Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone and category Scores
By Coleman Hawkins from his album 'Storyville Masters of Jazz, Volume 12: Coleman Hawkins' for the instruments Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone and category Scores
By Coleman Hawkins from his album 'Tenor Sax Ballads' for the instruments Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone and category Scores
By Coleman Hawkins from his album 'Sirius' for the instruments Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone and category Scores
By Coleman Hawkins for the instruments Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone and category Scores
By Coleman Hawkins from his album 'The Bebop Years' for the instruments Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone and category Scores
By Coleman Hawkins from his album 'A Fine Dinner / Body and Soul' for the instruments Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone and category Scores

Coleman Hawkins information
Coleman Hawkins
 United States
21 November 1904
19 May 1969
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