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Bloc Party

By Bloc Party from their album 'Big in UK: The Biggest Smash Hits From Great Britain, Volume 2' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
By Bloc Party from their album 'A Weekend in the City' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
By Bloc Party from their album 'A Weekend in the City' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
By Bloc Party from their album 'A Weekend in the City' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
By Bloc Party from their album 'Silent Alarm' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
By Bloc Party from their album 'Help: A Day in the Life' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice
By Bloc Party from their album 'This Is Next' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
By Bloc Party from their album 'A Weekend in the City' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
By Bloc Party from their album 'A Weekend in the City' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
By Bloc Party from their album 'Intimacy: Live at Tempelhof' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
By Bloc Party from their album 'A Weekend in the City' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
By Bloc Party from their album 'A Weekend in the City' for the instruments Guitar, Voice
By Bloc Party from their album 'So Here We Are / Positive Tension'
in the genre pop
By Bloc Party from their album 'Live at Reading'
in the genre pop
By Bloc Party from their album 'So Here We Are / Positive Tension'
in the genre pop
Bloc Party information
Band member(s)
Gordon Moakes
Russell Lissack
Matt Tong
Kele Okereke
Also known as
Block Party
August 2012
August 2008
February 2007
March 2005
April 2007
June 2013
July 2012
August 2009
April 2009
January 2009
September 2008
August 2008
November 2007
July 2007
February 2004
January 2007
October 2005
July 2005
May 2005
January 2005
January 2005
October 2004
July 2004
May 2004
Other information
Official website: