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Bernardo Pasquini
Bernardo Pasquini Name: Bernardo
Surname: Pasquini
Born: 7 December 1637
Died: 22 November 1710
When in 1686 the King of England, James II, sent an ambassador to Rome for the purpose of restoring that Kingdom’s long-severed ties with the Papacy, the ambassador was welcomed with all the pomp the occasion deserved, featuring especially an opera with music composed by … Bernardo Pasquini. Pa... More informationsquini was already sufficiently important in 1686 to merit that honor. He would become more so in the years to come. He was the patriarch of Roman music in the early years of the 18th century. One of his pupils would in later years write, “Whoever has had the fortune to work or to study under the tutelage of the most famous Sig. Bernardo Pasquini in Rome … will have made the acquaintance of the truest, most beautiful and most noble style of playing … a perfection of marvelous Harmony.” Pasquini is admired today for his “Suonata per Cembalo” and “Toccata per Organo.” Less information
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Bernardo Pasquini sheet music

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By Bernardo Pasquini for the instruments Piano in the genre Classical and category Choir, Baroque, Free, Aria, Scores
By Bernardo Pasquini for the instruments harpsichord in the genre Classical and category Renaissance, Baroque, Free, Scores
By Bernardo Pasquini for the instruments Organ in the genre Classical and category Baroque, Free, Scores
By Bernardo Pasquini for the instruments Organ in the genre Classical and category Renaissance, Baroque, Free, Scores
By Bernardo Pasquini for the instruments Clarinet in the genre Classical and category Baroque, Scores
By Bernardo Pasquini for the instruments Clarinet in the genre Classical and category Baroque, Scores
By Bernardo Pasquini for the instruments Trombone in the genre Classical and category Baroque, Scores
By Bernardo Pasquini for the instruments violin in the genre Classical and category Baroque, Scores
By Bernardo Pasquini for the instruments Voice in the genre Classical and category Baroque, Scores
By Bernardo Pasquini for the instruments Piano in the genre Classical and category Baroque, Scores
By Bernardo Pasquini for the instruments Piano in the genre Classical and category Baroque, Scores
By Bernardo Pasquini for the instruments Continuo in the genre Classical and category Baroque, Scores
By Bernardo Pasquini in the genre Classical and category Baroque, Scores
By Bernardo Pasquini for the instruments Continuo in the genre Classical and category Baroque, Scores
By Bernardo Pasquini in the genre Classical and category Baroque, Scores

Bernardo Pasquini information
Bernardo Pasquini
7 December 1637
22 November 1710
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