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Alan Menken

Surname: Menken
By Alan Menken for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Vocal, Keyboard
By Alan Menken
in the genre Broadway and category Musical
By Alan Menken for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Vocal, Keyboard
By Alan Menken for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Vocal
in the genre Disney, Broadway and category Musical
By Alan Menken for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Vocal, Keyboard
By Alan Menken from his album 'Aladdin' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal, Choir, Alto, Recorder, Viola
in the genre pop and category Free, Guitar tabs, Soundtracks, Scores, Musical
By Alan Menken for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, Vocal
and category Scores, Musical, TV
By Alan Menken from his album 'The Little Mermaid' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice, bass, Vocal, Tenor, Choir, Alto
in the genre pop and category Free, Soundtracks, Scores, Musical, TV
By Alan Menken from his album 'Newsies' for the instruments Voice, Choir
and category Scores, Musical, TV
By Alan Menken from his album 'The Little Mermaid (original Broadway cast)' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice
and category Scores, Musical, TV
By Alan Menken from his album 'The Little Mermaid (original Broadway cast)' for the instruments Piano, Guitar, Voice
and category Scores, Musical, TV
Alan Menken information
Also known as
Beauty and the Beast
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
The Little Mermaid
Other information