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Helpful Sight Reading Tips to Read to Improve Your Musical Abilities

music sheet with earphonesSource: Pexels

When learning to play a musical instrument or to sing in an organized chorus or choir, a person will often be required to confront sheet music. It’s basically a road map from Point A to Point B through a piece of music in a specialized language made largely of symbols and abbreviations. To follow this virtual map involves understanding the language and being able to follow along smoothly. It isn’t easy, but it can … Continue Reading

Top 15 Songs of 2000’s

songs from the 2000s

At the end of the 20th century, nobody could have predicted where the music industry was leaded. In fact, it still boggles our minds to think about how different the musical landscape looked by the end of the 2000s compared to the late-90s. With rap and pop largely supplanting the popularity of rock music, the 00s decade transformed the face of popular music.

Want to find out which songs of the 2000s were the best? Our music experts browsed the best- selling charts from the last decade to find out which … Continue Reading

Songs of the 1990’s: Top 20 Picks

After the chaos and glamor of the eighties, nobody could predict where the music industry was headed. But, as it turned out, the nineties was a treasure trove of hit song after hit song, each of which we still crank up on the radio whenever they come on.

If you aren’t feeling nostalgic yet, you will soon. From the birth of grunge and gangster rap to the explosion of dance-pop and teen pop, the nineties was a major period of growth in the music industry. To help jog your memory, our music experts put … Continue Reading

What Is a Metronome? Here’s What You Should Know.

Source: Pexels

If you’re unfamiliar with metronomes, it doesn’t mean you’re totally offbeat. This device is largely used in the music world, so it makes sense that some people might not know what it is right off the bat. In short, metronomes are almost as old as modern music itself, making them an integral part in making music for hundreds of years. Whether you make music yourself or just listen to it, chances are you’ve encountered a metronome or … Continue Reading

Tips to Help You Better Read Those Tricky Ledger Lines

Source: Pixabay

Reading music can be a notoriously confusing skill to develop at first. Without a strong understanding of what you’re looking at, a song in musical notation can seem like pages of complete gibberish. This is only more true with an instrument such as the piano, which has an especially wide range of playable notes and therefore much more musical notation to memorize. One aspect of sheet music that’s a common sticking point is the concept of … Continue Reading